Saturday, August 31, 2019

Introduction to Duty of Care in Health and Social Care Settings

CU235P/CT235 Introduction to Duty of Care in Health and Social Care or Children's and Young People's Settings 1. Undestand the implications of Duty of Care. 1. 1 Define the term â€Å"duty of care'. Duty of care is an obligation that a person/healthcare worker acts towards others and public with watchfulness, attention and caution in a reasonable and civilized way. SU needs to know that his welfare, safety and interest are put in the centre of attention of any healthcare organisation. 1. 2 Describe how duty of care affects own work role.Every healthcare worker has a duty to act accordingly not just towards the clients but also their co-workers, other healthcare professionals and themselves. – following GCSS Code of Practise – keeping knowledge and skills up to date – not undertaking procedures outside own competences – acting in the best interest of clients – ensuring health, safety, welfare of clients – adhere to companies policies and proc edures 2. Understand support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care. 2. 1 Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an Individuals rights.Despite all the efforts of healthcare providers to ensure an Individual recieves the best possible care there might arise conflicts and dilemmas between healthcare worker and SU. Those conflicts may include: refusing a meal, type of activity, refusing medication or a treatment. Arising conflicts should be resolved as quickly as possible in a most satisfactory matter for both sides. The Human Rights Acts states that every person has the right to decide about own life, they can refuse the treatments and medication they recieve.It is essential to explain why they need that particular care and make them aware of pros and cons. 2. 2 Explain where to get additional support and advice about how to resolve such dilemmas. The Line Manager is the first person to turn to in any doubt. Family and friends of an Individual may be able to help. Other healthcare providers involved in care of an Individual. 3. Know how to respond to complaints. 3. 1 Describe how to respond to complaints. If an Individual is dissatisfied with provided care, he has the right to complain.Every company should have easy to access complaints procedure. When dealing with a complain on one to one basic healthcare worker should take the individual to a quiet and safe place, listen to an Individual carefully, be serious and polite, try to calm down the situation and apologise if necessary, inform an Individual about complains procedure. After the conversation with an Individual the healthcare worker should inform the manager. 3. 2 Identify the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints.Every complain should be taken seriously and all the actions following a complain should be as quick as possible. If it's not possible to solve the problem straight after a complain, the manager should be informed. The conta ct with an Individual complaining should be polite and symphatetic. After talking the problem through the management should come up with a path of actions to solve the problem and arrange another meeting with the Individual to make sure the solution is satisfactory. All complains should be documented.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Cuckoo’s Egg Analysis Paper Essay

The Cuckoo’s Egg book is well written by Cliff Stoll. It was something like reading a horror story book. It was creepy, suspense, curiosity and scary too. The hacker every time breaks into a military system seemed to be like a ghost entering into the house and not like a thief. We know thief will definitely when he attacks a home he will for sure grab all things possible for him to steal. But this hacker was not doing just that, he was wandering in the system and making some creepy moves and disappeared. Many a times he would just come and go just to show that he was still there. Something like a ghosts act. Cliff clearly briefs every day’s situations, thoughts and reaction of the people around him. As we are reading this book and try to imagine the description given by Cliff, we can understand how things were in those days. The FBI, NSA, NCSC and CIA reacted and helped for such case. It was definitely very difficult for Cliff to handle the pressure of his boss and the unsupportive FBI. It was definitely a challenging case. An astronomer, who was least interested in computer programming lands up tracking a spy which leads him to be a professional network and information security provider. This journey of Cliff is an example to many who loose hope on their current jobs, or people who lost and don’t know where they are ending up. See more: how to write an analysis paper From this book I take back lot of things related to computers, networks, the government, information security and its importance, and how to handle things under pressure and stress. There are many characters who teach us how to look at situations which actually shows us a way to solve the problem. Luis Alvarez is one such example who actually showed Cliff another view of handling this case. I think it was because of him Cliff took this case as a research and not as part of his job. IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THE BOOK The very interesting part of this book is the way author relates all the problems to astronomy and physics. Most of the time it was his physicist friends who helped him crack the puzzle and find hints related to the hacker. The reader must be good at computer security or astronomy in order to understand the relations made between them by the author. Author also analyzes people relating to physics and planet study. Cliff describes his new boss Marv Atchley and his division head Roy Kerth in physics aspect. Roy who was a college professor teaching about collisions, protons and anti-protons. He related his students and staff to his subatomic particles: keep them in their orbits, energize them and then shoot them into static positions. Roy was fed up of the year long delays and excuses given by computer professionals. Author analyzed Roy and always made sure to start of a conversation something about relativistic physics before he could move on to computer related issues. That way author expected some kind of support for his tracking business, but Roy was a person who believed everything that had been proved or had some proof. This made the author to maintain a logbook, in which he entered every single word related to this case. He even had dotted down the conversations made with every person whom he contacted for help. This logbook concept actually helped him to analyze the hacker and his activities, sometimes saved him from getting screwed by his higher authorities and also helped him to write his paper titled â€Å"Stalking the Wily Hacker†. Though the techniques used by the author to trace the hacker is out dated now, but his way of approach is definitely amazing. How he relates this case to astronomy and physics is a very unique way. Another physics aspect applied for detection is: When the hacker fires a universal file transfer program called Kermit. The hacker also used the Kermit program on his system, because the Kermit program checks each of its files after it has copied it from one computer to another. This proved the author that the hacker was obviously having all the sessions printed out and also copied on to a floppy disk. Here author calculates the distance between his computer and the hacker’s by the concept of sound travelled and its echo heard. This way he arrives at a result of 279,000 miles but since his technician Lloyd was very good at communications explains him about the delays which occurred during communication between satellites and the earth, the hacker using a slow computer and the data transferred in the form of packets. Thus they land up with a result of 6000 miles. Another interesting way Maggie Morley cracked the word puzzle which led to a hint of hacker’s location. Though this is not physics approach, but definitely it is a different way of approach to solve a problem. Maggie gives the meaning of Jaeger, in German it meant Hunter and it was a name of a hunting bird. Hunter and Jaeger were the passwords used by the hacker. Hedgers and Benson were the name Cigars. So this lead to a conclusion that hacker must be somewhere in Germany and that he smoked. Dave Cleveland also gives a clue, which the hacker is not from the west coast. He comes to this conclusion by seeing the hacker type ps-eafg Unix command. This meant to Dave that the hacker didn’t know Berkeley Unix. The best way to learn new things is to make mistakes and learn from your mistakes and the best way to understand others is to put your legs in their shoes. Cliff uses same technique; he tries to be hacker himself to break into Mitre systems. He was successful in logging into Mitre and finding out holes in its internal networks. He tried to log in to Mitre through Tymnet connection as the hacker had done. This proved that it was possible for anyone to break into the most secured network systems and also helped to find the holes in the system. Cliff’s astronomer friends Jerry Nelson and Terry Mast play an important role in helping cracking few codes and puzzles related to the hacker. Jerry analyzed the codes and numbers given by the phone technician while tracing out the hackers line. He said that 703 was area code to Virginia and C and P meant Chesapeake and Potomac. The next time they help to crack KH-11. It was a secret spy satellite, KH stands for Key Hole and 11 was the series number. We should also be aware that in many countries hacking is not considered as illegal or crime. Some countries actually support hackers and maintain secret group of hackers to hack sensitive information of other countries. In this case it is very difficult to trace the hackers and punish them. The author not just keeps an eye on the hacker’s activities and trying to trace him but also tries to explain it to other authorities who could help him with this case. So he begins to talk to people at FBI, Teejay at CIA, Zeke at NCSC, some spies and spooks. That way he actually becomes a spy himself trying in his own way to catch the hacker. This experience teaches him how to talk and explain things to such people and also very well understands that every department was not interested or were not ready to take up the case. This way he understands what importance people gave to the information and network security. CONCLUSION This book tells us how the government treated a security issue. It is really pity that they were just bothered about the loss in figures and not the sensitive information that was stolen. The FBI, CIA, NCSC, NSA all of them had the same idea. They were worried about their reputation or about the loss in figures. They did not realize that the hacker was stealing some very sensitive information related to the U.S army, navy, and military. If they had been co-operative to Cliff they could have caught the hacker mush before and did not need a year. But now the FBI is very concerned about the Cyber crime and identity theft. I learnt that they would take serious action in investigating such cases. This is definitely very important in today’s world. As the number of users and systems are increasing, technology is advanced, people are connected not just through telephone lines, wires and cables but also they are connected wirelessly through Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections which make them more vulnerable to security threats. As number of users and system and technology is rising, number of cyber crimes and hackers are also increasing. Now the hackers are very intelligent unlike our Cuckoo in the book. Markus Hess could have been easily caught with the help of the FBI and NSA as he was leaving his traces everywhere. For example the passwords and the connections used were easily predictable. Today the hacker may be sitting next to you but it is very difficult to trace them. Hence complicated and advanced techniques and technologies must be implemented. At the same time it is everybody’s responsibility to make sure that the information related to them personally or professionally must be secured.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Two Methods of Losing Weight

Two Methods of Losing Weight Teri Holland-Hill Com/155 November 11, 2012 Meghan A. Anderson A high protein diet and exercise vs. Gastric bypass are two different approaches to the same conclusion, one involves major surgery the other a lifestyle change. A newsletter from the Wolfe Clinic stated that by the end of an average lifetime, a person would have consumed between 60,000 and 100,000 pounds of food. It would be good to know, that eating that amount of food is more healthy than not. Maintaining a high protein diet combined with exercise is important to a person’s health. I.Visiting the Doctor First A. Asking the right questions B. Lab Work II. High Protein Diet A. More meat, Less Vegetables and Carbohydrates B. Number of Meals A Day C. When To Eat III. Exercise A. How Many Times a Week B. Exercise Programs Home or Gym IV. Gastric Bypass A. The History of Gastric Bypass B. The Cost Visiting the Doctor Before beginning any diet and exercise program, it is important to see th e doctor, ask questions, and pass a health exam before proceeding. In order to be successful in the execution of a plan, the groundwork must be laid and have a solid foundation.Asking the right questions and formulating a plan or a roadmap is important when beginning to develop a weight loss plan. Not all body types can succeed on the same weight loss plan, some need more diet changes and some need more exercise. Once the doctor has gathered all the information and he has answered all questions, the next step would be lab work. The lab work will make sure there is no underlying condition that may slow things down. High Protein Diet Researchers have stated that high protein diets are the most popular because they do a better job of satisfying hunger than fats and carbohydrates.Participants in a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported higher weight loss when they deleted 20% of the fat from their total calories, 30% protein was increased, and 50% account ed for carbohydrates. That is still a high ratio of carbohydrates but as long as there is an exercise plan to go along with the diet, burning them off should be no problem. Another point to consider is number of meals to consume each day. Eating smaller meals more often may be better for a person’s particular metabolism. Life is fluid.We never know what is going to transpire when we will wake in the morning, so having an adjustable diet plan might be important. Other variables to consider are energy level, stress levels, and getting enough rest. One must maintain a high enough energy level to keep going throughout the day. Managing stress levels and making sure to get enough rest each night will go a long way to helping achieve definite weight loss goals. The key is to make every effort to maintain the diet once it is started, bearing in mind to keep it skewed towards higher levels of protein.Many have asked the question, when is a good time to eat, before exercising or after ? According to experts and researchers in the field, it is advantageous to feed the body before and after exercising, as this is most beneficial in helping to burn more calories. Some people will skip meals because they think they will lose weight faster, but the body goes into a survival mode drawing protein from the muscles, therefore causing loss of muscle mass. With the proper diet and the correct number of meals, the liver and kidneys are where the protein is normally stored.So if the subject is consistently missing meals when exercising, not only are they slowing metabolism but also depriving the body of the fuel it needs to complete the workout, thus sending the body to another source for protein, the muscles. Therefore, loss of muscle mass minus protein equals a slow metabolism, which makes it harder to lose weight. When eating, the meal should not be too heavy while still providing enough energy for the workout. The meal should include complex carbohydrates and a protein. S ome examples of meals are brown rice, which has a nutty flavor, broccoli, and beans are a good source of protein.For snacks, try apples, nuts, bananas, and even a good fiber bar etc. Stay away from processed foods and packaged foods as they have too many chemicals that the body does not need. It can be as simple as eating a hamburger without the bun or baked chicken instead of fried. There is a multitude of sources for protein, it is all about keeping an open mind and trying not to limit them. Exercise A question that seems asked quite often is â€Å"how often should a person exercise? † This all depends on what one wants to accomplish.If a person is looking to build muscle, working out every day is what they will have to commit to or if they just want to get in shape, once every three days for about two months is good. However, if one has never worked out, or it has been years since they have worked out, they need to take things slowly and not rush. Pacing oneself and if the y need to stop or cannot finish the whole workout, that is ok. It is better to be safe than sorry! Exercise Programs: Home or Gym Another question that seems to be on the minds of some is â€Å"where is the best place to exercise? This is a simple answer exercise wherever is the most comfortable surroundings. Whether it is going to a gym or exercising at home, the environment should be conducive to achieving a positive outcome. Gastric Bypass Not everyone can lose weight simply by diet and physical exercise some have to take a more radical approach. One example would be Gastric Bypass surgery. This type of surgery is for morbidly obese people who have tried losing weight on their own but have run into roadblocks or through no fault of their own cannot accomplish their goal.For these people there is a procedure called Gastric Bypass. Although it was first attempted in the 1950s it is only recently, within the last 15 years or so that it has become popular as an extreme measure for w eight loss. As with any surgical procedure, gastric bypass surgery is a serious undertaking that the doctor will approve when all other weight loss attempts have failed. Additionally, gastric bypass should probably only be performed in cases where the person is 100 pounds overweight or more.It is important to make sure that the patient is willing to follow through after the procedure and change their diet and eating habits, as well as getting more exercise. In a recent study of gastric bypass surgeries with a five year follow up, of 88. 6% of patients contacted, 93% of obese or morbidly obese patients and 57% in super obese patients managed to keep the weight off. The average cost of gastric bypass surgery is between $25,000 and $35,000 dollars, with complications in some cases driving the cost even higher.Unfortunately, this is an extreme hardship financially for those without insurance to cover the procedure. Conclusion We have looked at a couple of different methods of weight los s. One involves behavior modification in terms of diet, meal planning, and exercise, the other involves a more radical surgical procedure. Either way the benefits to the patient will be a healthier lifestyle and a longer lifespan. Each patient is an individual and the type of plan that works with one, may not work with another.Flexibility, desire, determination, and responsibility are all important if the patient desires a successful, positive outcome to their weight loss plan.References American Journal of Clinical Nutrition http://ajcn. nutrition. org (n. d. ) retrieved from http://WebMD. com/diet/guide/high-protein-diet-weight-loss Annals of Surgery 2000 April; 231(4)524-528 http://ncbi. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1421028 MacLean, L. MD, FACS, Nohr, C. MD, FACS, Rhodes, B. PDt, MSc (Nutr), FDC Wolfe Clinic (n. d. ) retrieved from http://thewolfeclinic. com

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Procedural justice versus substantive justice Research Paper

Procedural justice versus substantive justice - Research Paper Example Substantive justice follows laws that define, regulate and create the obligations of certain parties, which should be carried or no carried out towards others meaning that this form of justice falls under the cause of action, but not proactive. This is such that individuals bring forth their issues to the bodies charged with the responsibility to safeguard and ensure that the obligations set for the people are followed. As such, substantive justice ensures and creates opportunities for people whose rights have been violated to present their grievances, but not to prevent this violation. Thus, it serves as a form of punitive measure to see to it that those who fail to honor their part of the bargain in relation to following a defined code and obligation face justice (Sandefur, n.d). Substantive justice applies mainly in the issue of rights, where there remains controversy as to how one can define rights under a justice system, since its origin lies in the term â€Å"due process of th e law.† Following this development in substantive justice, it is applied in the issue of rights, as a distinct characteristic in rights does not appear in other forms of law or justice. In rights, they are defined and one is obliged to pay attention to them lest they end up violating their own rights or even those of others. Substantive justice, therefore, sets guidelines within which one conducts oneself and binds one actions to the consequences. Based on the history of substantive justice as the due process of the law, guidelines ensure that there exists a definition of terms or procedures through which one must go through in order for certain events to take place. Substantive justice also sets the circumstances under which things are done and failure to which certain consequences are issued, as it provides a diverse framework, which creates the conditions that people relate to each other and how people relate with the government. It also sets out how an individual is respon sible for everything that he or she engages in, as substantive justice offers definitions , regulations and obligations to govern the above said relationships. To build more on the relationships between people and the government, it is important to look into the role of substantive justice in seeing to it that the government carries out its responsibilities or obligations. Concerning this, substantive justice creates a clear distinction between valid laws and invalid ones, which acts as a means of discerning, that which is rights and that which is wrong according to the actions of the government towards its people. Substantive justice calls for a clear definition of these standards, where those charged with the responsibility of justice are bound to come up with standards of generality, regularity, fairness, rationality and public orientation. The above is meant to apply to the activities of the people towards each other and the government towards its people, as well as the people t owards governance, which is a form of prohibition of abuse of power against the people by the government and the people towards the government (Sandefur, n.d). This is due to the high possibility of using public interests for personal gain or ends, which is common in an arbitral nature of the law, and that explains the role of substantive justice. One of the benefits of this law is its definitive nature, where it sets clear stipulations against

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Morality. The Genealogy of Morality by Nietzsche Essay

Morality. The Genealogy of Morality by Nietzsche - Essay Example The second dimension that Nietzsche discusses is morality relating to slaves or priests, and this primarily deals with Jewish beliefs. This dimension believes that priests loath warriors and call their desire for power an evil act, and they believe that their own poverty or simple state is called good. These two beliefs are called slave and master morality. Slave morality seems to be much more refined as compared to master morality and it is driven by a feeling of anger or resentment. It was born of Christianity as Christian love is due to hatred and therefore it is in accordance with slave morality and its derivation from ‘ressentiment.’ (Nietzsche and Kaufmann) Even though slave morality is interesting and more complex as well to understand as compared to master morality and their self-assuredness, Nietzsche is apprehensive that it makes mankind a mediocre race and people who have generally an inherent perception of slave morality would like to prefer comfort and secur ity over risk and conquest over the world. The priests believes in the slave morality and they believe that it saves them from evil and other perils of the afterlife, and the master morality will distract people from changing themselves for the better and making their present a better situation to live in. Most modern humans also perceive the slave morality in this way and act this way. Nietzsche also believes that there is a difference between the two kinds of morality be it good/bad or good/evil by giving the relevant example of lamb and bird of prey. The lamb would believe that the bird of prey is evil since it kills and that they themselves are good because they don’t kill. However, these statements become useless in the event that God has made them in such a way that they cannot kill; and not because of any moral account but simply because they are unable to, they don’t know what they would be capable of if they would be able to kill. Birds of prey similarly canno t be highlighted as wrong doers and evil simply because they are built in a way that they are to kill. If the deed, which is killing could be separated from the being that kills because it was made that way, then only could be condemn these birds for their deeds. Nietzsche also goes on to argue that there are instances when there is a deed, but no doer and then you cannot blame anyone. Such as lightning cannot be removed from the flash and seen independently and hence the fact that we view that the doer is distinct from his act is simply something we view because of society and its prejudices. Master morality is what the aspiration is so to say, slave morality is prevalent and not desirable. Nietzsche also believes that guilt originally didn’t have any moral aspects in it, and it was simply like a debt. A person who owed something to someone was in debt and guilty of it, and he owed a creditor some sum. Therefore a creditor could take advantage of that and could even make the debtor pay at any time or take penalties. This wasn’t to punish the debtor and make him feel bad about himself, but this was only for the creditor’s mirth and pleasure. Therefore punishment was like a paradox; it was cruel for the debtor and yet cheerful for the creditor and it was supposed to have been forgotten afterwards without any grudge from any party. Law and regulation is like a creditor in a society; if someone goes against the law then this means that they have broken and harmed society and they can be punished for this mistake. (Nietzsche and Kaufmann) Justice believes however that people don’t have that power to punish good or bad or evil and

Child Poverty in the United Stated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Child Poverty in the United Stated - Essay Example We have read several articles that address the question of child poverty in the United States. In order to begin to try and gain a critical perspective on this big issue, I will be discussing some of the issues these articles failed to address, in what ways the recommendations they make are unrealistic, and what obstacles exist in the implementation of those recommendations. I will also consider opposing points of view by anticipating the most common objections to the solutions these writers propose. As you will see, even after a brief survey of current thinking on such an important matter, it will be obvious that the issue is both complicated and so interwoven with almost every aspect of society, that while the answer is definitely yes, there is much that could be done to alleviate the vicious cycle of child poverty, there are no solutions that could be successfully pursued without a deep and long-lasting commitment from a very large segment of society because the fact of the matter is: Many have benefited from the very policies and decisions that have created this problem. In Jonathan Marshall’s article, â€Å"Child Poverty Is Abundant†, he asserts that â€Å"economists don’t fully understand the causes of the great inequality [of income] in the U.S,† but it seems to me that the long-term effects of economic decisions in the past 50 years can give us a pretty good idea of the causes, such as freezing the federal minimum wage off and on for years at a time or giving corporations tax incentives for adding jobs overseas or just across the border. Apparently the long-term effect of these decisions on the working poor was not the main priority when they were being made. We need to know why other considerations were thought to be more important, because someone benefited from them, and values different than a commitment

Monday, August 26, 2019

Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Religion - Essay Example The idealized, spiritualized essence of God can be comprehended only by refined minds, bent on spiritualism, and only after sustained effort. To the vast majority of mankind, the visible manifestation of God goes a long way towards focusing the inner mind and thoughts on Divinity. This initial, primitive belief that God is only present in that particular picture, or only in that particular form, can, with spiritual growth, metamorphose into the realization that God is an all-pervading, formless entity. Visible forms can be justified as symbolic, spiritual aids to the realization of God. One of the basic tenets of Christianity is the belief that God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to earth, as the Redeemer to deliver sinful humanity from eternal damnation. Jesus took upon himself the collective sins of humanity and accepted his martyrdom on the cross as the expiation of these sins. This belief probably arises from the primitive belief that the deities must be placated through sacrifice, and the shedding of blood is a prerequisite for absolution. This sacrificial offering, be it the ox of the ancient Romans, or the lamb of the Jews, must be the purest and most perfect to serve the purpose. In this context, the pure, sinless Jesus constitutes the perfect sacrifice in the eyes of God. This ‘substitution theory,’ according to which Jesus’ vicarious punishment redeemed humanity, has a major flaw. If one concedes that Jesus’ punishment has indeed absolved humanity from sin, does it follow that man is now free to sin without having to face the c onsequences of his actions? If Jesus has obtained a prior, blanket absolution for all sinners, this is something in the light of a ‘license to sin’ with impunity. This poses a problem to the acceptance of the substitution theory. The word ‘Christ’ means the ‘Anointed One,’ or the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Individual Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Individual Project - Essay Example In international business, it is interesting the very many diverse cultures that one can find in such forums; it is thus impossible that cultures from one’s own country can be carried and applied to the interaction with these other countries with the expectation of success (Hill, 2008). Management cannot be undertaken exclusively without a proper understanding of culture because it is only in this way that people from diverse cultures can truly work together. Part 1 Explain each model and how it can be used to investigate national preferences. Models of cultural dimension have been developed by several organizational experts namely Hofstede and Trompenaars who through a series of research studies developed dimensional perspectives that would enable people understand how to work with other people from different cultures and ensure that business is completed. The first dimension sought to allow for the comprehension of the two cultures of individualism and collectivism (Johnson & Turner, 2009). They stated that people from individualistic cultures had an inclination to choosing their own affiliations within the workplace and often preferring to work alone. Alternatively, those people from the collectivist cultures were often found working in varied groups aligning themselves to one another based on age and religion among other interests (Edwards & Rees, 2006). The second dimension sought to measure the element of how people within the organization perceived power differences (Johnson & Turner, 2009). There are those people who come from cultures where there are small power differences and are thus more inclined to a consultative and democratic method of handling issues. These types of people have been known to relate to their peers and others with equality and respect and when placed in subordinate positions, demand the right to contribute to decision making. In contrast, those from cultures with a large power distance have got great fear and respect for t hose in authority (Edwards & Rees, 2006). People have different ways of preparing themselves for unknown events; as such, the weak verses strong uncertainty avoidance was another dimension that Hofstede determined. Some people come from cultures where there are explicit rules on avoidance that allow them to cope with aspects of the unknown (Keeley, 2001). These people have got specific routines and structures for accomplishing tasks and in the context of employment, have got a much higher ability of sticking with one employer for a longer time that their counterparts. They have also been known to identify danger from a distance and often accredited for the development of safety regulations and guidelines within an organization. Those people who come from communities that have got weak uncertainty avoidance have got a more flexible and care free lifestyle with an inclination for engaging in life threatening and informal activities. Within the context of employment, these people often have an inclination to change not only their employers but also their employment status from time to time (Edwards & Rees, 2006). They are also more accommodative of other people’s ideas and concepts often allowing more than one concept to run simultaneously with another one allowing for variety of fresh thoughts, ideas and change within the organization. Various values are embedded into these cultures with emphasis being placed in different areas that vary from one culture to another. Sensitivity to masculinity and femininity

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Lincoln Electric Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lincoln Electric - Case Study Example As the discussion stresses  one of the major contributing factors towards the success of Lincoln Electric is its flexibility. The company does not believe in maintaining an official organization chart in order to offer high flexibility. The company’s easy and less complicated policy support s employees to go to anyone whom they think to be proficient enough in providing solutions to their problems offering a flexible organizational structure. Flexibility is considered to be an important factor for the success of any organization. Employees or workers should be given enough flexibility to work according to their own ways and convenience in order to be productive ensuring the superiority of the end products.This paper highlights that  an easy and less complex policy would remove the barriers among the workers and the executives and would facilitate smooth communication. Communication is quite important in organizations so that the problems can be communicated to the concerne d person and measures can be immediately taken to find a solution without largely hampering the manufacturing functions.  The company does not have any special policies or perks for the executives which promotes a sense of equality among the employees and in turn encourages a sense of responsibility in them.  The company handed over the control of management to various teams which facilitate them with the right to take decisions when necessary. This ensures a smooth flow of work, as employees need not wait for others to take decisions and then having to act accordingly. This triggers in them a sense of responsibility to perform better (Willcoxson, 2011). Another important factor is that employees are entitled to profit sharing as well as stock options based on individual as well as team performance (McGee & Et. Al., 2006). Employees are influenced to bring forward innovative ideas by the management which would enhance their productivity. The company constantly invests on trainin g as well as educating the employees to make certain effectual contributions towards business performance. The responsibilities given to the employees are also considered as significant factor. They include pay cuts and penalties in case of absenteeism which instill a sense of responsibility, the workers related to production needs to provide assurance regarding the quality of individual piece produced by them or else no payment is made against it and finally there are only few supervisors owing to which team work is promoted without any detailed supervision. Thus, the above mentioned factors can be considered as the major contributing factors for the company’s superior performance (Lussier, 2008). Understanding of the Factors Responsible for High Performance The high performance of Lincoln Electric is reliant on many external as well as internal factors. Flexibility, communication, incentive structure, policies, sense of equality and responsibility are the most important contributing

Friday, August 23, 2019

Can the ethos of equity as offering a remedy for the over-generality Essay

Can the ethos of equity as offering a remedy for the over-generality of the law be reconciled with the formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA) - Essay Example efoucauld V Boustead [1897], where the defendant had property sold and the proceeds transferred to him, without the fair consideration that the plaintiff had equal interest in the property, which the defendant had transferred unfairly (Bar, Drobnig & Alpa, 2004 p511). The judge of the trial court had held that the estates had been transferred to the defendant, not as a trustee, but as a beneficial owner of the estates. However, the trial judge held that the existence of a trust relationship could be established. It is this generality that the ethos of equity seeks to address, and it is therefore possible to reconcile the provisions of the ethos of equity with the formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA), since section 53 (1) (c) requires that a disposition of an equitable or trust that exists at the time of the disposition, be in writing and signed by the party disposing the property (McFarlane, Hopkins & Nield, 2012 p373). This provision safeguards against the unfair transfer without having involved the consent of the interested parties, which is also the objective of the ethos of equity. Therefore, the ethos of equity and formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA) can be

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Oliver Twist Essay Example for Free

Oliver Twist Essay Oliver Twist was novel written by Charles Dickens that had been brought to the big screen. It is about a young orphan boy named Oliver who only tries to stay good in a society of the upper class that refuses to help the people under them. Oliver gets sent into a workhouse once he turns nine and soon finds himself in a gang of pickpockets that work for a man named Fagin. At each turn he is threatened by characters that believe their deliberate cruelty and lack of compassion to be the highest expressions of charity. They continue to insist that things for Oliver will end up working out in the end. Class and society is one of the main themes in the film of Oliver Twist. The superficialness of class structures emphasize that each individual is the same regardless of their social class into which they were born. But most of the scenes uncover the fact that the Victorian society was cruel and unsympathetic towards the poor because they were so self-absorbed. The Victorian society also firmly believed that the systems taking care of the poor were the most humane systems possible; therefore, leaving nothing for them to help out with. Another theme in the film of Oliver Twist is poverty. The theme is closely related to the theme of class. But as that theme is concerned with showing how the social class system is just invented by society to justify the existing state of affairs. We can see in this film just how miserable the lower classes really were due to the desperateness of stealing. Oliver Twist, doesn’t shy away from representing the terrible conditions of the poor in all their misery with gritty realism. Lastly, fate and free will is another theme in the film of Oliver Twist. The characters Oliver, Mr. Brownlow and the Maylies are liberated and live happily ever after at the end while the other characters aren’t able to escape the complications that the city, their social class, and the systems of justice seem to have created towards the people. Certain characters seem to give up their free will at certain points to abandon themselves in the inevitable. Throughout the movie we try to figure out how much free will each character has. We also question how each character is trapped in the systems of social class and if they will be able to make their own choices in the end. One of the strengths of this film is the inspiring character of Oliver Twist. He continues to believe in his faith in God throughout the entire film, no matter what complicated situation he was going through. Oliver also always believed that the best would come out of everything that was happening and possessed a sincere sorrow at the choices made by some of the other characters in the movie. Oliver’s character was brought to life through depth and the continuation of his faith in God. The only weakness of this film I would say is probably be the length of it. If you don’t know where the story is going, it can seem to go on for a while for someone who is being introduced to Oliver Twist. But if you look back at the history of movies, many of the best films are quite long. This statement is proven because at the end of the film Oliver gains strength in himself and ends up with a family of his own and surrounded by caring and loving people. In conclusion, Oliver Twist was worth watching because it truly captures a realistic Victorian era of the slums in London with the gloomy workhouses and the upper class residents who show no interest in caring for the poor. I was definitely surprised by the realism in this movie and how it shows the many faces that evil has. I also thought that the film gave an immense impression of Oliver’s determination to follow what he knows to be right. Although I have not read the novel that this film was based on, I have a good reason to believe that the film most likely did the story justice.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

In a World of Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

In a World of Stereotypes Essay What is a stereotype? Stereotypes are characteristics ascribed to groups of people involving gender, race, national origin and other factors. (Nadra Kareem Nittle. Para 1). Most of these characteristics are over exaggerated opinions of the groups. The next few paragraphs in this paper will identify three examples of a stereotype one may encounter in their everyday lives, an argument that may support the stereotype, and any mistakes that may be found in the argument. One stereotype that is very common but a lot of people may not consider a stereotype is age in the work place. This may sound a little ridiculous but there are â€Å"persistent negative perceptions pertaining to older workers† ( Ostroff Atwater, 2003, p. 729; see also Posthuma Campion, 2009). An employer might think that a younger worker would have more energy or stamina, less health issues, and more of an open mind when learning new technologies. An older person might be considered stuck in their ways rather than a fresh young employee right out of college. Nonetheless an older person in age might have more experience that would require a higher paycheck, as where a younger person may take less money in order to gain the experience. Although some of these arguments may make sense to the average person reading this, the same feelings can go for someone in the younger age groups. â€Å"Young adults might also feel stereotype threat in the workplace, as younger workers are often perceived to be less reliable, less committed to the organization, and less socially skilled† (Nadra Kareem Nittle. Para 31). Moral of the story is that there are good points and there are bad points for any worker no matter what there age. These are all assumptions of an age group instead of the true characteristics of the person themselves. An employer may not higher a sixty year old man who has a better work ethic than a twenty five year old man and he will never know because he judged the older man based on a stereotype and vise versa. As a result to stereotyping he will continue to go through employees during his entire career. Here the employer commits the fallcy called a Hasty Generalization as well. Drawing broad and very general conclusions based on insufficient evidence can therefore lead to harmful results, not only for the victim of the stereotype but also for the person doing the stereotyping. † (Mosser 2011, para 33). The next common stereotype is called a racial stereotype. In 1933 Katz and Braly did questionnaire method research using American students on racial stereotypes. The results are quoted as follows: â€Å"There was considerable agreement in the traits selected. White Americans, for example, were seen as industrious, progressive and ambitious. African Americans were seen as lazy, ignorant and musical. Participants were quite ready to rate ethnic groups with whom they had no personal contact. † (McLeod para 15). Although this kind of behavior could be very well just plain human nature t stereotype a group of people based on their race, the face just aren’t there. Look at President Obama for example; he is by far not a lazy man just because he is a black man. A lazy man would not have the ability to run a country. Yet he is black, so he must be pretty lazy. Fallacy? The last stereotype to address in this paper is sports stereotypes. Some may say that only men play sports like football, wrestling, or hockey and women only play volleyball, tennis, and badminton due to how much physical contact women should have verses men. (Million Views para 1). One would say these stereotypes do not seem to far fetched because football is a very rough sport and most men are bigger and stronger than a woman so if she were to join the football team she may very well get hurt. But why cant men play tennis? Does this make him girly? Or not a man? Some would say yes because the sport is less aggressive and a man needs to act in rough sports if they want to be considered a man. There are women wrestlers today and plenty of men play tennis without losing their so-called manhood. These things we all do everyday, sometimes without even realizing it. We are all categorized in some sort of stereotype more than we would like to admit. But the bottom line is that we all bleed red, we all breathe the same air, and we all have to die one day. We are human. Instead of being separated into generalized groups based on or age, religion, race, etc. we all should be as one in the same group of humans. Because weather we like it or not, we are human.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Citizen Kane Breakfast Scene Analysis Film Studies Essay

Citizen Kane Breakfast Scene Analysis Film Studies Essay Through what is alleged to be one of the best films, a series of anecdotes reveal the story behind Charles Foster Kane. The story, along with the revolutionary cinematography, made it a movie years ahead of its time where Orson Welles, Charlie Kane, takes several controversial steps on his road to greatness. However, Citizen Kane makes it very clear that wealth cannot necessarily buy happiness. This is demonstrated in Charles and Emilys breakfast scene through masterful use of symbolism, perspective, costuming, the soundtrack, and even through dialogue. In the beginning of the scene, Emily and Charles come in from a long night of partying and having a great time together. They sit very close to one another showing their initial infatuation for one another as they converse about what the servants would think of their behavior. Right off the bat, Emily fires off her opposition about Charlies dedication to his place of work, the Inquirer. The next scene fades in soon after, and the two are now far enough apart that cuts are required to show both Emily and Charles. Flowers sit in the middle of the table and remain in the lower corners of the screen, representing a friendly obstacle in between the couple, while tensions are apparent, but still low. As the scenes progress, the mood changes, and the centerpieces gradually become colder and more lifeless, much like their relationship. As time progresses they distance themselves from one another at breakfast, the only time they apparently get to spend together, to the point where they silent ly sit at opposite ends of a very large dinner table. The second tool Orson Welles used to his advantage was that of perspective. From the very beginning of the movie, the audience has seen events unfold from a third person view, where Welles rarely made scene cuts, unless he intended to. In the breakfast scene, Welles changed the game up by using what was considered the norm of his time, scene cutting from person to person. He used this type of filming, at the time, to show what he wanted his audience to see and nothing else. He wanted the audience to see what Charlies job was doing to both him and Emily, be it physically or emotionally. The lighting on the set also gave light to Welles use of Chiaroscuro, or the use of shadows, as he made sure the shadows on their faces showed how the marriage had slowly but surely worn at their bodies and emotions. Welles clearly understood that panning the shot out to include both Emily and Kane in the same shot would not have given justice to the emotions shown on their faces, but on their bodies a s well. Initially, Emily is wearing a rather revealing dress that represents her and Charles youthful night of partying, as well as their infatuation for one another. However, as the scenes progress and as the moods of the couple changes, so do the wardrobes. Charles changes between comfortable, playboy like clothes to a much more professional getup to signify his constant plans of getting ready for work. Emily, on the other hand, maintains her queen-like apparel, only she covers herself little by little as her mood becomes more and more harsh. Both Emily and Charles wear clothes that give a type of royalty to their personas, where in reality, behind the overpriced garments, there is just another troubled relationship, that sacrifices love for money. All of the aforementioned tools used not only in this particular scene, but throughout the entire movie are very conscious dependant. Rarely does it go unnoticed when the main character goes from one wardrobe to another, but it is rarely considered how the soundtrack plays on the audiences emotions as well. Welles did not demand that the soundtrack be some sappy, overpowering, force-feeding garbage that most movies of his time were, but instead thought highly enough of his audience to let the music subtly inform its listeners as to how they should feel. Anyone can tune in to a SOAP-like television show and immediately tell what is going on simply by listening to the music for a few seconds. Here in this scene, a cheerful and rather upbeat score plays lightly in the background to signify that all is well and good, that is until the spin around fast-forward through time moment takes place. Now, as the mood slips slowly into darkness the music accompanies it, as if guiding the audience subconsciously into the same realm of feeling and sadness. Most importantly is Welles use of dialogue throughout this scene. At first, it appeared that Emily and Charles were living out their newly conjoined lives in happiness, with not a care in the world. They converse with nothing but love and affection in their voice as they jokingly talk about the time of day, and what the servants will think of their frivolous behavior. Soon thereafter, Emily makes a remark about her disdain for Charlies demanding work schedule, where Charlie simply brushes it off and replies with the witty remark of You never should have married a newspaperman. Theyre worse than sailors. This makes a rather awkward moment between the two, but Charlie comes in with the save by saying I absolutely adore you. She simply must have her way, and Charles complies by delaying his appointments until noon. Magical-twirling-fast-forward-moment and some short time later, Kane now sports a moustache and Emily continues to once again complain about Charlies obsessive work schedule. Charlie has the nerve to reply that her only correspondent is the Inquirer. As the scenes progress, more and more hostility is shown towards one another, due to differing ideas, where Kane is obviously not used to such harsh criticism, especially so close to home. The last scene shows the couple, now several years into the marriage, sitting silently in a formal dining room at opposite ends of a very large table, with Emily in total defiance by her actions of reading the competitive Chronicle. In conclusion, Citizen Kane makes it very clear that wealth cannot necessarily buy happiness. This is demonstrated in Charles and Emilys breakfast scene through masterful use of symbolism, perspective, costuming, the soundtrack, and even through dialogue. Orson Welles was not only an amazing actor, but he was also a brilliant man to have come up with so many revolutionary filming techniques. Who would ever think to dig a hole in the middle of a studio to get a few seconds of film during the 1940s. His innovation has made him an idol to anyone who is serious about making a piece of film, and has made his movie, Citizen Kane, a must see to any one who has respect for great film.

Maybe Rape Is Not Always so Bad :: Social Issues, Unwanted Sex

â€Å"He held her as if his flesh had cut through hers and she felt the bones of his arms on the bones of her ribs, her legs jerked tight against his, his mouth on hers† (Rand 216). The narrator begins the scene by describing every detail and giving insight to the current situation of Dominique and Roark, which lingers on the sexual tension between them. Scenes leading up to this clearly show that both these people want each other. Although that does not necessarily make the sex consensual, while the sex is needed. If Roark had not raped Dominique she would have never been able to become free. Despite the common thought that it is not rape if it is enjoyed, Roark did rape Dominique. This is because rape can be defined as forced or unwanted sex, to gain power. However, this inaccurate phrase about rape not being rape when it is enjoyed is often used in situations when rape is occurring, and the victim first protests, but then starts having fun; which is is exactly what happened in this scene. â€Å"She lay still in his arms, in the first instant, in the shock of feeling his skin against hers, the thing she had thought about, had expected, had never known to be like this, could not have known, because this was not part of living, but a thing one could not bear longer than a second† (Rand 216). Dominique was scared by these forceful actions and was left unsure what to do; because of this many individuals place the blame on Dominique stating that she did not fight against it, which makes the sex consensual, but they are mistaken. â€Å"She fought like an animal. But she made no sound. She did not call for help† (Rand 216). She did fight and struggled with it, even if she did not call for help its does not matter because if she did call for help, there is a good chance that no one would have heard her. Besides not calling for help, she did everything that she could to not submit herself to him. Letting him take control of her was something she did not want to allow, so should fought as long as she possibly could. â€Å"She tried to tear herself away from him† (Rand 216). As she did continue to try to tear her self away it was not effective, so rather than continuing to struggle by putting up a fight she just submitted herself to him.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Macbeth - Downfall Of Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers

We see in the play Macbeth that when the motivation to succeed in life becomes overpowering, other people may easily influence one and elements and one may decide on wrongful actions to achieve a goal. Some of the influences on Macbeth include the witches and the apparitions, Lady Macbeth, and lastly Macbeth's own insecurities and misguided attempts to control his future. The witches and their prophecies are the first major influence on Macbeth's actions. Macbeth seems happy and content with himself until the witches tell him he will be king. He begins immediately to consider murdering Duncan. "If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, / Against the use of nature?" (I, iii. 144-147). Macbeth immediately writes Lady Macbeth. "'They met me in the day of success; and I / have learned by the perfectest report, they have more in / them than mortal knowledge." (I, v. 1-3). He obviously has great faith in the witches' words. Later on, the apparitions, called by the witches, influence Macbeth by making him believe he is invincible. "Rebellion's head, rise never, till the wood / Of Birnam rise, and our high-placed Macbeth / Shall live the lease of nature, pay his breath / To time, and mortal custom." (IV, i. 106-109). Lady Macbeth is a second major influence on Macbeth. As soon as Lady Macbeth learns of the witches' words from Macbeth's letter, we learn Macbeth is c...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Affirmative Action Essay examples -- Affirmative Action Essays

America is the land of opportunity, but to be fully qualified for the status, it needs to be â€Å"color-blind, race-blind, and gender-blind.† Affirmative Action began as a way to stop discrimination, but as new laws have been added to it, it has become reverse discrimination. Everyone has the opportunity to be a great addition to society. It is an immense injustice for people to say that someone of a different race or gender is not capable of achieving the same status in life as a white male. Through this paper, the concepts of affirmative action will be analyzed and discussed. Affirmative Action began in 1965 when President Johnson signed the Executive Order 11246 in to law. The Executive Order 11246 â€Å"prevents Federal contractors from discriminating against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.† This is when the phrase ‘affirmative action’ was first used, because it â€Å"requires federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against based on race color, religion, sex, or national origin.† When Affirmative Action was created, it only included minorities. In 1967, Johnson decided to expand the program to include women, because women have received some of the same discrimination as men in the workplace. There were also earlier laws that were passed to ensure equal rights. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act are two examples of these laws, but they were a little behind considering the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution were passed much earlier. The Fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection under the law and the Fifteenth amendment forbid racial discrimination in access to voting. Also, there was the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which was passed one hundred years earlier to ensure equal rights to all men.3 Secretary George Schultz and Arthur Fletcher, a top deputy, were the architects of some federal hiring and contracting regulations that added to the Affirmative Action regulations. In 1969, Schultz and Fletcher created these regulations under the Nixon administration to â€Å"redress the unfair treatment of minorities and women in the workplace.†4 Even though America is the land of freedom, minorities and women did not fully receive these freedoms until the mid 1960’s. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs... ...been a short-term solution to discrimination, but it has out lived its benefits. It is now encouraging reverse discrimination by setting quotas on the number of minorities required for a firm, contract, or school. America is now ready to become a color-blind society, and judge people on them, not their race or gender.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Works Cited The Census Bureau. December 2, 2000 Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity (1965. 30 Fed. Reg. 12319) Harris, John F. and Kevin Merida. â€Å"On Affirmative Action, New Perspectives Strain Old Alliances.† Washington Post. April 5, 1995, page A01-2. Morin, Richard and Sharon Warden. â€Å"Americans Vent Anger at Affirmative Action.† Washington Post. March 24, 1995, A01. The Origins of Affirmative Action. December 2, 2000. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. 438 U.S. 265 (1978) Vote 96. November 13, 2000. December 1, 2000. December 1, 2000. Affirmative Action Essay examples -- Affirmative Action Essays America is the land of opportunity, but to be fully qualified for the status, it needs to be â€Å"color-blind, race-blind, and gender-blind.† Affirmative Action began as a way to stop discrimination, but as new laws have been added to it, it has become reverse discrimination. Everyone has the opportunity to be a great addition to society. It is an immense injustice for people to say that someone of a different race or gender is not capable of achieving the same status in life as a white male. Through this paper, the concepts of affirmative action will be analyzed and discussed. Affirmative Action began in 1965 when President Johnson signed the Executive Order 11246 in to law. The Executive Order 11246 â€Å"prevents Federal contractors from discriminating against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.† This is when the phrase ‘affirmative action’ was first used, because it â€Å"requires federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against based on race color, religion, sex, or national origin.† When Affirmative Action was created, it only included minorities. In 1967, Johnson decided to expand the program to include women, because women have received some of the same discrimination as men in the workplace. There were also earlier laws that were passed to ensure equal rights. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act are two examples of these laws, but they were a little behind considering the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution were passed much earlier. The Fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection under the law and the Fifteenth amendment forbid racial discrimination in access to voting. Also, there was the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which was passed one hundred years earlier to ensure equal rights to all men.3 Secretary George Schultz and Arthur Fletcher, a top deputy, were the architects of some federal hiring and contracting regulations that added to the Affirmative Action regulations. In 1969, Schultz and Fletcher created these regulations under the Nixon administration to â€Å"redress the unfair treatment of minorities and women in the workplace.†4 Even though America is the land of freedom, minorities and women did not fully receive these freedoms until the mid 1960’s. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs... ...been a short-term solution to discrimination, but it has out lived its benefits. It is now encouraging reverse discrimination by setting quotas on the number of minorities required for a firm, contract, or school. America is now ready to become a color-blind society, and judge people on them, not their race or gender.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Works Cited The Census Bureau. December 2, 2000 Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity (1965. 30 Fed. Reg. 12319) Harris, John F. and Kevin Merida. â€Å"On Affirmative Action, New Perspectives Strain Old Alliances.† Washington Post. April 5, 1995, page A01-2. Morin, Richard and Sharon Warden. â€Å"Americans Vent Anger at Affirmative Action.† Washington Post. March 24, 1995, A01. The Origins of Affirmative Action. December 2, 2000. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. 438 U.S. 265 (1978) Vote 96. November 13, 2000. December 1, 2000. December 1, 2000.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Err Booklet

ERR Booklet Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai – Imagine you are a newly appointed supervisor/manager within your service. You need to update your staff handbook to reflect current employment law. Identify three different sources of information you could use to enable you to do this. Direct. gov website Citizens advice Existing company handbook Aii – List three aspects of employment covered by law Work Conditions (safety, discrimination, accommodation, etc. ) Wages Hours ) List three main features of current employment legislation. Minimum wage Training Holiday entitlements Aiii – Briefly outline why employment law exists. Employment law exists to safeguard the interests of both employers and employees. We understand that this particular area of law is continually developing and it is of critical importance to keep abreast of evolving legislation. Bi – Describe the terms and conditions of your employment as set out in your contract of Employment or employment agreement )Job description – defining the role, responsibility level (eg Manager, Deputy Manager, Assistant etc). It might include limits on decision making/to whom one reports/is supervised by. 2) Entitlement – rate of pay, holiday entitlement, retirement and ill-health benefits, bonus/overtime rates, uniform and/expenses allowances, canteen facilities, etc. 3) Responsibilities: working hours, dress code, reporting illness/absence, annual assessments, complaints procedures, notice periods for leaving/dismissal, requirements to change working hours. )General: Depending on the type of job, there might be other conditions restricting the employee taking other part-time work, confidentiality clauses, using company equipment for private use (eg phones, computers, vehicles) general codes of behaviour and adherence to certain corporate practices, health & safety regulations, etc. The actual format of the contract will vary from company to company. Some will cover more general matters in a Staff Handbook which the employee is required to read and confirm he/she has done soBii – Describe the information which needs to be shown on your pay slip/statement: Employee’s name Tax code National Insurance Nett pay Payment of overtime, bonus’s or tips Date Company name Payment method Payment period Biii – Identify two changes to personal information which you must report to your employer. Address Bank detail Biv – Describe the procedure to follow if you wanted to raise a grievance at work. You may describe this in writing or produce a flow chart or diagram. 1) Firstly, write to your employer setting out all the details of your grievance. ) Meet with your employer. Your employer should then arrange a meeting to discuss your issue and look at possible resolutions. It is your legal right to take a companion to this meeting, such as a colleague, a trade union representative or trade union official. This companion may spea k on your behalf, but may not answer questions on your behalf. 3) Appeal your employer's decision. After the meeting has taken place, your employer should write to you in a timely fashion with a decision on how your rievance will be resolved. If you are unsatisfied with this decision, then you have the right to appeal. This appeal should again be made in writing, and your employer must arrange another meeting. Bv – Explain the agreed ways of working with your employer in relation to the following areas: Without a job description how would you apply for a job, both you and your employer need to know the perimeters that you will work to be able to determine: the responsibility; the type and class of work you will do and pay scales.Unions will always never agree to working conditions that are not safe or health and safety valued,, however, the employer has a right to expect that when you are working in a firm that your time is productive so implementing ways of working by the us e of ‘Time and Motion' studies is not regarded as being taboo. That is why it is essential that there is communication between employer and employee or the employee's representative, the Union.

Friday, August 16, 2019

It Is Difficult to Remain a Bystander in the Face of Conflict. Discuss. Essay

In any discussion of conflict it is important to consider the many types of conflict that can be experienced and the likelihood of remaining aloof from the ideological, emotional, physical, moral and spiritual dimensions of conflict. Conflict in general can be found in all of human history and in its reflection in art, poetry, literature and in the everyday experience of humanity. Moral dilemmas, property and border disputes, lovers’ spats, sibling rivalry, broken hearts, jealousy, envy and lust for power. The list is long, many people have sought to find a way to remain neutral but are inevitably drawn into conflict compelled by conscience, desire or belief, or are swept up in conflict as just collateral damage. By definition a bystander is a person present at an event or incident but does not take part. Conflict can show its face in many forms. But it’s not the nature of the conflict that can draw people from the sidelines; it can be the situation the person is faced with and completely reliant on the belief they hold and their moral constitution. A common real life example is when you pass a mugging in progress. You’re faced with a dilemma, to either help the stranger and risk physical harm to yourself or leave the stranger to his fate and remain safe yourself. It is not the situation of conflict that pulls onlookers into the fray, but the strength of an individuals will that plays the main role in whether one becomes a martyr for a cause or cowers. Galileo is faced with a similar situation where he is troubled by a spiritual and strong moral conflict where he must choose between science or faith. It was difficult for Galileo to remain a bystander, the inquisitive nature and the constant drive to seek the truth of how the celestial satellites behave given to him by Bertolt Brecht. Brecht used Galileo as a tool to illustrate that a man with passion can find it difficult to remain a bystander in the face of conflict â€Å"unhappy is the l and where heroes are needed† Galileo saw himself as that hero, plagued with the task of educating Italy and the world. This task he bestowed upon himself resulted in much dispute between the church’s teachings and Europe. Galileo is also shown as ‘only human’ a man of flesh and blood that â€Å"enjoys the pleasures of life† but when faced with the threat of physical torture he quails. He It may be true that a person with passion may be easily stirred to rise to the challenge of a spiritual or moral debate but conflicts of a physical nature, such as open conflict or a battle between ideological beliefs allows little choice to the surrounding bystanders to remain uninvolved â€Å"sooner or later†¦one must take sides. If one is to remain human† in Vietnam war many people took sides but just as many were ignorant and unwilling to partake in the violence and ideological conflict that was raging throughout South-East Asia. As the red wave of communism swept south-west endangering the old colonial powers. It was as if a hornet’s nest was struck. War pulls people, unwillingly towards it, to feed itself and to grow. The peasants were hit the hardest in the Vietnam war. â €Å"You and your like are trying to make a war with the help of people who just aren’t interested.† â€Å"They don’t want communism.† â€Å"They want enough rice,† â€Å"They don’t want to be shot at. They want one day to be much the same as another.† The peasants were used as pawns, seen as cheap human shields and laborers. The communists used villages to hide â€Å"it’s no use†¦After every attack the Vietcong hide their weapon and disguise themselves as farmers† using them for their own protection and gain. Equally the French and the communist used them to harvest the rice fields. ‘For in war, food is more valuable than gold’. For the peasants they had little understanding of the battles that raged around them but their ignorance did not protect them from stray bullets or mortar explosions. The quiet American explores a wide range of conflicts from the physical realm of open conflict to the ideologica l. Graham Greene through the polar opposite characters of Pile and Fowler illustrates that remaining uninvolved and untouched by these two forms of conflict is impossible. Through the large difference between the two characters we can see that there is no specific type of person that becomes â€Å"engage† when conflict arises but it is human nature to become involved. Fowler with age and experience, made bitter by the world and human nature and proudly unbiased in his views towards the conflict around him and Pile with youth, inexperience and a gentle simplicity of human nature. The stark contrast is a metaphor of how anyone can be drawn into conflict, even without noticing in Fowlers case. Fowler was shocked into action by Piles simple mined motives of the bombing and the simplicity in which he saw it. â€Å"Innocence is a kind of insanity† and Piles insanity caused many to become involved. The matter in which one stays detached from internal conflict such as matters of love is much more complicated. History and literature is ripe with stories of, kingdoms falling, Machiavellian politicians and heroes prevailing in the name of ‘love’. The human race is obsessed with the idea of love, whether it be love for one’s country, for one’s friends or one’s wife or husband. It is difficult to remain aloof from the desire and the calling we all secretly crave. Phuong is an interesting case. She managed to remain relatively independent from the two men who were fighting for her hand. This might be due to the cultural differences in the belief of love and duty of a woman, â€Å"she doesn’t love like you or I† compared to the mindset of a western woman. Greene uses Phuong as a metaphor for Vietnam. A silent, fragile thing with Fowler representing the old Colonial powers such as France and England While Pile representing the new age of America. Both fighting for supremacy over her. It may be true that remaining a bystander when one is confronted with conflict is challenging but it is not the conflict itself that is to blame. It is difficult to remain a bystander in the face of conflict, but not for every situation. Each situation of conflict has a host of factors at play such as the type of conflict as well at the person affronted. Whether it is by choice or involuntarily our world and society is based upon conflict and how we deal with it. It may be safe to remain a bystander when faced with conflict.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Rivera’s Pan American Unity: Economic Themes from the North and South

Throughout the late 1920’s many American patrons of the arts had attempted to bring the famous Mexican muralist, Diego Rivera, to the United States for commissioned works. It wasn’t until September of 1930 that Rivera finally arrived in San Francisco to paint. His wife, the famous painter Frida Khalo, whom he had recently married, accompanied him. Fellow artist and instructor at the California Academy of Arts, Ralph Stackpole, had recommended to Timothy Pflueger that he use Rivera for a new project he was working on, the Pacific Stock Exchange. This turned out to be a fruitful relationship with the successful completion of Allegory of California, in the stock exchange building. Nearly 10 years later and his last appearance in the US, Pflueger asked Rivera to return to San Francisco to be part of Golden Gate International Exposition of 1939/40. The fruit of those laborers is his Pan American Unity, the themes of which will be explored in further detail here. Timothy Pflueger commissioned the painting, Pan American Unity. It was a replacement for an art exhibit of European masters on loan for 1939. Pflueger was a well-known architect in San Francisco, having built the Medical Dental Skyscraper on Sutter and worked on the Pacific Stock Exchange building. Jeremy Long LALS – 14 Landau July 6, 2014 Rivera’s painting are often controversial and spark debate in all kinds of circles, whether it be for his political affiliations or the subject matter of the paintings themselves. In a way, Pan American Unity avoids some of this controversy with his themes of unification and harmony. One might think that the North and South, in this case the United States and Mexico, stand diametrically opposed to one another, but Rivera sought to unite them in common themes. He showed how the labors of the Mexican farmers and ingenious people were not that dis-similar from the backbreaking work of the Detroit autoworkers. Most, if not all, scenes depicted show Mexicans and Americans side by side through their struggles for freedom. The theme of economic differences between the North and South are evident in the many portrayals of the Mexican people, who are most often seen in traditional dress of centuries past. On the other hand, the American people are shown as a fully modern people with technology and ingenuity. The two ideas aren’t completely contradictory and Rivera seems to imply that you cannot have one without the other. The technology of the present is only informed by the progress of the ast and the same will be true of our future. Both America and Mexico have much to learn from and share with the other and only in this way can we truly achieve a greatness beyond the accomplishments of today. In another section of the mural, Stalin and Hitler are reviled for their crimes, creeping like a noxious gas over the painting stand in opposition to the Founding Fathers of the United States; a very interesting view point from an avowed socialist and often communist leader of Mexico. Somewhat of a local celebrity at the time, a City College of San Francisco diver appears twice in the painting, springing from the center of the painting and arching over the figures below as fountain of hope and prosperity. Even his patron, Pflueger, makes an appearance in the painting, being shown with blueprints directing the construction of his now famous office building. While Pflueger died before he could find a permanent place for Rivera’s great and last work in San Francisco, his son, whom assumed the duties of design for the City College of San Francisco and the changes necessary to allow for the display of Rivera’s work. Diego Rivera’s Pan American Unity, strove to strike a balance between the natural forces of this world and the human desires of good and evil. He accomplished this by including elements of the North’s technological dominance, the South’s agricultural heritage, the evils of Nazism and Stalinism, and the eloquence and beauty of nature and the Bay Area, which all combine to strengthen the economic message of the painting’s central them of unity.

Our Family Wedding Essay

â€Å"Our Family Wedding† tells the story of two families from different races in order to prepare the wedding for their daughter and son that makes them come together in this planning process. There were series of friction and collision plots between those two families. The main reason is because the cultural difference between two sides of family. The family of bride (Lucia) is a traditional Mexican family. And, the family of groom (Marcus) is African-American family. Their habits, life styles, life values and the ways of thinking are totally opposite of each other. There were a lot of cultural differences in the movies. Firstly, Lucia’s father thought that the man should propose marriage to the woman’s parents (Lucia’s father mentioned it to Marcus on their way to buy eggs). Marcus thought that modern society would not be necessary to do it. And then Lucia’s father felt out it’s extremely important to propose that was a kind of respect for the woman’s family. That was a cultural conflicts of the modern American culture and traditional Mexican culture. Maybe that was fully integrated into the different ways of thinking between the earlier generation with traditional thinking and American young people . Secondly, those two engaged young people mentioned that they would like to have a simple wedding when two families discussed how to plan their wedding. However, two families all had their own mind for the wedding which caused a controversy between the two sides. The bride’s family wanted to have a traditional Mexican wedding and the groom’s family wanted to have an African descent wedding. In addition, the cost of the wedding was another big issue during their planning process because of the different customs and traditions. Finally, the young couple made a concession for their wedding (our marriage, their wedding). Their parents agreed to share the cost of the wedding. Thirdly, the question of whether a Catholic-style wedding in the church or the father Paes wedding. Marcus would like to adopt a non-traditional style wedding but was refused by Lucia’s mother and grandmother that is religious beliefs conflict. However, Marcus does not religious believers. As their wedding planner, I would like to discuss the wedding detail with two family separately. I will try to talk about the detail of wedding with each family at one time. And them combine their ideas together to reduce their argue. I am also will tell these two families the traditional culture is important but make a wedding that the engaged couple like will be more important. Cross-culture wedding is kind of special for two families. â€Å"Our Marriage, their Wedding† these words is telling me that those young people’s marriage, but their parents’ wedding. In the movie, the two engaged couple’s families were from different races, and they all wanted to have their own traditional wedding to their daughter and son. The parents from bride and groom all have so many ideas for their children’s wedding. Parents didn’t listen what kind of wedding the young couple wanted to have. These two families were trying to make a wedding that families like not this couple. Because two families have different culture and they wanted to use their traditional way of the wedding. In my opinion, the best way to avoid this situation is two family listen to young people’s idea. If the engaged couple like simple, let them make it. And then two family can celebrate their wedding separately. One for bride’s family, and one for groom’s family.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Aida Model Essay Example for Free

Aida Model Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Haven't found the essay you want? Get your custom sample essay for only $13.90/page ? Every day we’re bombarded with headlines like these that are designed to grab our attention. In a world full of advertising and information – delivered in all sorts of media from print to websites, billboards to radio, and TV to text messages – every message has to work extremely hard to get noticed. And it’s not just advertising messages that have to work hard; every report you write, presentation you deliver, or email you send is competing for your audience’s attention. As the world of advertising becomes more and more competitive, advertising becomes more and more sophisticated. Yet the basic principles behind advertising copy remain – that it must attract attention and persuade someone to take action. And this idea remains true simply because human nature doesn’t really change. Sure, we become increasingly discerning, but to persuade people to do something, you still need to grab their attention, interest them in how your product or service can help them, and then persuade them to take the action you want them to take, such as buying your product or visiting your website. The acronym AIDA is a handy tool for ensuring that your copy, or other writing, grabs attention. The acronym stands for: Attention (or Attract) Interest Desire Action. These are the four steps you need to take your audience through if you want them to buy your product or visit your website, or indeed to take on board the messages in your report. A slightly more sophisticated version of this is AIDCA/AIDEA, which includes an additional step of Conviction/Evidence between Desire and Action. People are so cynical about advertising messages that coherent evidence may be needed if anyone is going to act! How to Use the Tool: Use the AIDA approach when you write a piece of text that has the ultimate objective of getting others to take action. The elements of the acronym are as follows: 1. Attention/Attract In our media-filled world, you need to be quick and direct to grab people’s attention. Use powerful words, or a picture that will catch the reader’s eye and make them stop and read what you have to say next. With most office workers suffering from e-mail overload, action-seeking e-mails need subject lines that will encourage recipients to open them and read the contents. For example, to encourage people to attend a company training session on giving feedback, the email headline, â€Å"How effective is YOUR feedback?† is more likely to grab attention than the purely factual one of, â€Å"This week’s seminar on feedback†. 2. Interest This is one of the most challenging stages: You’ve got the attention of a chunk of your target audience, but can you engage with them enough so that they’ll want to spend their precious time understanding your message in more detail? Gaining the reader’s interest is a deeper process than grabbing their attention. They will give you a little more time to do it, but you must stay focused on their needs. This means helping them to pick out the messages that are relevant to them quickly. So use bullets and subheadings, and break up the text to make your points stand out. For more information on understanding your target audience’s interests and expectations, and the context of your message, read our article on the Rhetorical Triangle. 3. Desire The Interest and Desire parts of AIDA go hand-in-hand: As you’re building the reader’s interest, you also need to help them understand how what you’re offering can help them in a real way. The main way of doing this is by appealing to their personal needs and wants. So, rather than simply saying â€Å"Our lunchtime seminar will teach you feedback skills†, explain to the audience what’s in it for them: â€Å"Get what you need from other people, and save time and frustration, by learning how to give them good feedback.† Feature and Benefits (FAB) A good way of building the reader’s desire for your offering is to link features and benefits. Hopefully, the significant features of your offering have been designed to give a specific benefit to members of your target market. When it comes to the marketing copy, it’s important that you don’t forget those benefits at this stage. When you describe your offering, don’t just give the facts and features, and expect the audience to work out the benefits for themselves: Tell them the benefits clearly to create that interest and desire. Example: â€Å"This laptop case is made of aluminum,† describes a feature, and leaves the audience thinking â€Å"So what?† Persuade the audience by adding the benefits†.giving a stylish look, that’s kinder to your back and shoulders†. You may want to take this further by appealing to people’s deeper drives†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ giving effortless portability and a sleek appearance and that will be the envy of your friends and co-workers.† 4. Conviction As hardened consumers, we tend to be skeptical about marketing claims. It’s no longer enough simply to say that a book is a bestseller, for example, but readers will take notice if you state (accurately, of course!), that the book has been in the New York Times Bestseller List for 10 weeks, for example. So try to use hard data where it’s available. When you haven’t got the hard data, yet the product offering is sufficiently important, consider generating some data, for example, by commissioning a survey. 5. Action Finally, be very clear about what action you want your readers to take; for example, â€Å"Visit now for more information† rather than just leaving people to work out what to do for themselves. – See more at: file:///C:/Users/GOPAL%20RATHORE/Downloads/ Aida Model. (2016, Apr 07).

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Compare and contrast Cortez and Ricci in their attitudes towards Essay

Compare and contrast Cortez and Ricci in their attitudes towards non-Christian cultures. Should they be regarded as part of the - Essay Example During this period, Cortes was primarily an explorer and intermediary that facilitated communications between the New World and King Charles V. Conversion of foreign natives to Christianity was an outcome of primary ambitions for improving the economic and political strength of the Spanish Empire. On the contrary, Matteo Ricci hailed from Italy, a nation that prescribed strongly to traditional Catholic values and where the papacy maintained considerable influence in the establishment of cultural rules and legislation. Ricci’s primary goal was not enhancing the political and economic might of Italy but to serve God through Catholic missionary activities around the world. Fundamentally, Ricci and Cortes maintained radically different views on the importance of adhering to religious doctrine and the existing spiritual foundations of foreign cultures. Though both condemned non-Christian value systems, they should not be regarded as being part of the same missionary project, as Ric ci was a devout believer in attaining rewards through Christ while Cortes sought empowerment, first and foremost, for Spain. In Cortes’ letter to Charles V in 1520, Cortes describes the majesty of the Aztec Empire, recurrently expressing the tangibles of architecture, resource availability, and the engineering prowess of this region. In great detail, Cortes highlights the amazing plethora of animals, vegetables, precious metals, and various commodities found in Temixtitlan. As if presenting a well-inventoried catalog, Cortes reinforces the potential economic benefits that this Empire holds for Charles V, as if to embolden action to ensure that these resources and talents are procured for the throne. It is not until all dimensions of economic benefits are found in Temixtitlan that Cortes begins to describe his condemnation of idolatry and the other non-Christian religious practices and ceremonies he has observed and attempted to thwart. Matteo Ricci, however, is far less defam ing non-Christian cultures, attempting to convert and educate various international citizens to the Catholic doctrine when he recognizes potential cultural interest in God and Christ. Ricci finds commonalities to religious beliefs similar to Roman Catholicism in China, but discovers Japanese cultural and religious behaviors simply too strange to fulfill conversion and incorporation into this doctrine. Rather than acting hostile toward these cultures, he focuses more intently on converting regions that are more conducive to Christian beliefs, and illustrate interest in its concepts. Ricci does not seek out exploitation of resources or economic benefits for Italy, having taken a vow not to seek individual wealth but use cooperative resources to adhere to Jesuit missionary agenda. Cortes is much more aggressive about converting Aztec citizens to the Christian doctrine, one that rejects idolatry and advocates respect for human life offered by Christian values. After having observed the places of worship, Cortes is sickened by the practice of human sacrifice, with special dismay placed on idols â€Å"all polluted with human blood† (Cortes 3), thus reacting with hostility by destroying the idols. Cortes is not withdrawn or inhibited in his public presentation of consternation and shock over recurring idolatry and the faith that Aztec citizens maintained in serving what he referred to as false gods. Ricci, unlike Cortes, works hard to incorporate Jesuit beliefs into the foreign

Monday, August 12, 2019

Write a memo and a unsolicited recommendation letter based on guidline Article

Write a memo and a unsolicited recommendation letter based on guidline - Article Example However, with all of this in mind, it has recently been noted that healthcare premiums have continued to rise; and eventuality that places an undue level of stress on the business and upon the employees. However, rather than merely raising the premiums across the board for all individuals in the company, it has been determined that a far more equitable and fair approach would be to raise healthcare premiums by 15% for those individuals smoke stop the underlying reason for this is not to target a specific group of people; instead, it is meant as a way of fairly representing the healthcare costs that the insurer, and by extension this company, is forced to pay. Further understanding with regards to the impacts of smoke and secondhand smoke reveals the fact that those individuals who are smokers are invariably more likely to develop a litany of different health issues. As a direct result of this, increasing the premiums for smokers is a way in which the insurance companies, and by extension this company, can continue to provide a high quality of care and a high level of reimbursement for health-related expenses for all employees. However, rather than merely punishing smokers, it is the goal of this company to reduce the overall number of individuals that smoke; maximizing the health of those individuals that work for our firm, public health, and minimizing the level of insurance premiums that are required to be paid annually. Because of this and due to the fact that it is our commitment to promote the health and well-being of each individual that is employed, we have partnered with several smoking cessation programs and will facilitate employees to sign up for these if they wish to avoid the increase in premiums that will be affected in the near future. The underlying rationale for this has to do with the fact that it is our hope that more and more people within the company will come to an understanding of the fact that smoking is

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Social Mobility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Mobility - Essay Example Social Mobility Intergenerational mobility depends on a variety of factors. These that play a role in individual economic success and includes inheritable traits and factors related to the family and social context in which individuals develop (OECD 184). Some of the environmental factors are related to public plans while others are largely influenced by policies. For example, there are policies that control access to human capital formation. These may include public support for early childhood as well as policies that may increase or reduce economic and other barriers to accessing higher education (OECD 184). Therefore, in economic terms, intergenerational social mobility can be defined in terms of the potential to move up (or down) the income or wage scale relative to one's parents (OECD 184). In United States, different factors influence social mobility. Some of these factors have acted as a barrier to social mobility amongst many people in the society. A description of barriers to social mobilit y in American society helps in predicting future of children, point challenges, and effort that need to be undertaken to improve social mobility. One of the existing barriers to social mobility is racial differences. Racial differences in family background may result to racial differences in the accumulation of human capital (Kearney 46). Such kind of human capital is thought to relate to education attainment. This may arise in terms of parental wealth and emphasis on learning. (Kearney 46). Traditionally, different models assume that an personal achievement is based on ability. If this is the case, there should be a correspondence between black and white children. However, there appears to be cheaper labor market expectations for black children. Therefore, the black children’s choose a lower level of human capital investment (Kearney 46). Moreover, due to the constraints of getting credits, they are most likely not to associate with massive forms of investments. Therefore, i f minorities families tend to have less access to credit and wealth than other families, they are also less likely to get quality education than the white children’ of the same ability (Kearney 46). A report indicates that children from low-income families have less than one percent chance of reaching the top 5% of income distribution as compared to children of the rich with over 10% chance (Hertz 4). The other factor is labor market discrimination. This occurs as workers who are of equal productive measures are treated unequally in the economic sense (Kearney 46). This may arise in relation to gender, race, or ethnicity. In America, such type of racial discrimination still exists. This occurs through the prejudice of some members of the majority group’s against members of the minority group. Consequently, some of the group may gain promotion and thus earn more in comparison to the other group. Kearney notes, â€Å"The transmission of income level from parents to chil dren among blacks differs distinctly from among the whites† (37). He also notes that the average income is lower among blacks than whites are (Kearney 37). Consequently, the upward mobility is lower among blacks as compared to whites due to lower average income. In addition, the minority groups are also less likely to be hired based on the negative perception. This leads to such member of the minority g